Other Hikes

Other Hikes

The hiking world is brimming with fascinating places and opportunities to indulge your taste for adventure.  Some will test your capacity to withstand extreme cold, others extreme heat and all will at one time or another make you wish that you had just stayed home. But, by stretching yourself you can have experiences and gain insights that most people will live their whole lives unaware of.

…by some strange alchemy the fear, discomfort, fatigue and stress of the moment magically disappear…

It is very difficult to define “fun” and not many people in the twenty-third mile of a marathon, the seventh hour of a twelve hour hike or at the crux of a difficult ascent will talk about the fun they are having. They do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard. The “fun” part comes in reflecting afterward that a worthy goal was achieved or honestly attempted. The personal satisfaction that comes with that is the reward and by some strange alchemy the fear, discomfort, fatigue and stress of the moment magically disappear and are converted into fun.

Please click on the links at the right for examples of how to have fun in various places.